Respect In Sport Certification

May. 15, 2024

Parents and coaches/team officials are required to complete the Respect in Sport program.

Certification for this program is valid for up to four seasons, expiring on May 1.


The Respect in Sport program is an online certification initiative designed to protect our youth and support Hockey Alberta's commitment to providing a safe and enjoyable environment for all participants. It is Canada's leading online program for preventing bullying, abuse, harassment, and negligence among parents, coaches, and community leaders. The program is offered in three distinct streams:

Respect in Sport for Parents The Respect in Sport Parent Program establishes a standard of behavior for parents, creating a safer, more rewarding, and respectful environment for everyone involved. It is intended for parents with children under 18 who are playing sports. It equips parents with the necessary tools to effectively support their children.

Respect in Sport Parent Program

Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders/Coaches The Respect in Sport Activity Leader/Coach Program educates coaches and other volunteers on how to recognize, understand, and address issues related to bullying, abuse, harassment, and discrimination. This training is crucial for creating a safe, healthy, and respectful environment for all participants.

Respect in Sport Activity Leader/Coach Program

Respect in Sport for Officials This stream is specifically designed for referees, helping them to foster a respectful and safe sporting environment.

All players and coaches are required to have the Respect in Sport certification attached to their hockey profile. There is no specific program for children in sports directly. Certification is valid for four years and expires on May 1. To complete or update your certification if it has expired, go to There is a charge of $12 plus tax.

Follow these steps:

  • Click on the Members tab
  • Select Respect in Sport from the drop-down menu
  • Choose Parent or Coach
  • Complete the login and follow the instructions to complete the course

This program is essential for ensuring a positive and respectful environment for all participants in hockey.


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